Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Best children books

See http://books.guardian.co.uk/childrenslibrary/story/0,6194,1698794,00.html

My choice?
Pride and Prejudice - I wasnt introduced to Austen til I was 29
Harry Potter - exciting and very moral
Romeo and Juliet - the most approachable Shakespeare
Animal Farm - I was bowled over by it when I was 12 - I couldnt believe that a book could operate on 2 levels
The Cyberiad - Sci Fi with a message and fun too
PG Wodehouse - Jeeves stories. No life would be complete without them.
I Hate School Jean Wills and Tony Ross For the under 5s. My favourite book that my children enjoy
Middlemarch - The greatest English Novel
The Trumpet Major - the first Hardy I read - history and gentle counry life
a Christmas Carol - and one Dickens
