Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Positive Psychology: Recommended Reading

There are so many books published on positive psychology now that it is hard to keep up. All the more reason to note down books that I think are most useful. Please use the comments link to add any other recommendations or comment on any of these.


The first book in each section is my top recommendation



Boniwell, I (2007) Positive Psychology in a Nutshell (London: PWBC)

Compton W,C. (2005)  Introduction to Positive Psychology (Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth)

Seligman, M. Authentic Happiness (New York: Free Press, 2002)

Snyder, C.R . & Lopez, S (2002) Handbook of Positive Psychology. New York: OUP

Linley P. & Joseph,S Positive Psychology in Practice Wiley (2004)

Carr,A. Positive Psychology (Hove and New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2004)


Happiness and Well-Being


Lyubomirsky, S (2008) The How of Happiness (Sphere)

Gilbert, D (2006) Stumbling on Happiness (Harper)

Haidt, J. The Happiness Hypothesis  (London: Arrow, 2006)

Nettle, D. Happiness (Oxford: OUP, 2005)

Ben-Shahar, T (200) Finding Pleasure, Meaning and Life's Ultimate Currency  (McGraw-Hill)

Layard, R Happiness (London: Penguin, 2006)

Argyle,M. The Psychology of Happiness (London: Routledge, 2001)

Eysenck, M (1990) Happiness  (L.E.A)

Myers, D.M. The Pursuit of Happiness (New York: Morrow, 1992)

Keyes, C  and Haidt , J (ed) Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived

Weiner, E (2008) The Geography of Bliss (Twelve)



 Csikszentmihalyi , M.  Flow: The Psychology of optimal experience   (1990)

Csikszentmihalyi . M.  Finding Flow (1997)


Rath, T. (2007)  StrengthsFinder  (New York, Gallup)

Bolt, M  (2004)  Pursuing Human Strengths: A Positive Psychology Guide (Worth)

Peterson, C & Seligman, M  (2004)  Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (OUP)


Aspinall,L. & Staudinger, U. A Psychology of Human Strengths (Washington, APA, 2003)



Emotions, Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

Goleman, D. (1995) Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ New York: Bantam

Reivich, K., & Shatte, A. (2002). The Resilience Factor.  New York: Broadway Books.

Goleman, D. (1998) Working with Emotional Intelligence: Bantam

Epstein,S (1998) Constructive Thinking: The Key to Emotional Intelligence (Westport, Praeger)

Barr-On, R & Parker, J (2000) The Handbook of Emotional Intelligence (Jossey-Bass)


The positive psychology of Buddhism and Mindfulness

Levine, M. (2000) The Positive Psychology of Buddhism & Yoga (LEA)

Goleman, D. (2003) Destructive Emotions (London: Bloomsbury)

H.H Dalai Lama & Cutler, H (1998) The Art of Happiness (London, Hodder and Stoughton)

Benson, H.  (1975)The Relaxation Response (New York: William Morrow)

Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005) Full Catastrophe Living (London: Piatkus)

Langer, E (1989) Mindfulness (Perseus)

Ricard, M  (2007) Happiness (Atlantic)


Hope, Optimism and Luck

Seligman, M Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life New York: Pocket Books

Snyder, C.R  (2000) Handbook of Hope. Orlando FL: Academic Press

Gillham, J The Science of Optimism and Hope Philadelphia, PA: Templeton Foundation Press (2000)

Wiseman, R.  The Luck Factor (Arrow, 2004)

Positive Relationships - Love and Friendship

Gottmann, J. & Silver, N. (1999) The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work  (London: Orion)

Sternberg, R, (1988) The Triangle of Love (New York: Basic)

Wisdom and Decision-Making

Sternberg,R.  & Jordan, J. (2005) A Handbook of Wisdom (Cambridge: CUP)

Philosophy relevant to Positive Psychology

Aristotle (2004) Nicomachean Ethics (Penguin)

Russell, B. (2006)) The Conquest of Happiness (Routledge)

Fromm, E (1995) The Art of Loving (Thorsons)

LeBon, T (2001) Wise Therapy (London: Sage)

Bellioti, R (2004) Happiness is Overrated (Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield)

Schoch, R (2007) The Secrets of Happiness (London: Profile)

Revel, J-F & Ricard, M (1998)The Monk and the Philosopher (New York: Schocken)

Self-Help books relevant to Positive Psychology
(Note: Many of these  are based on empirical research, but are included because they contain interesting ideas that may be the starting point for research)

LeBoef, M. (1980) Creative Thinking  (London: Piatkus)

Buzan, T  (2000) The Mind Map Book London:BBC

Buzan, T  (2000) Use Your Head London:BBC

de Bono, E. (1982) de Bono's Thinking Course. London: BBC Books

de Bono, E . (2000) Six Thinking Hats.  London: Penguin

Gelb, M (2004) How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci  Element Books

Harris, R. (1998) Creative Thinking Techniques

Osborn, A. (1953) Applied Imagination.  New York: Scribners

Rawlinson, J. (1986) Creative Thinking and Brainstorming. London: Gower

Hammond, J, Keeney, R & Raiffi, H (1999) Smart Choices (Boston: Harvard)

Paterson, R.  (2000) The Assertiveness Workbook (Oakland: New Harbinger)

Sharma, R (1997) The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (Ontario: Harper Collins)

Popovic, N. (2005) Personal Synthesis. (London: PWBC.)

Branden, N. (2004) The Six Pillars of self-esteem (Random House)

Clegg, B & Birch, P  (1999) Instant Creativity Kogan Page


Positive Psychology Coaching and Interventions

Biswas-Diener, R & Dean, B Positive Psychology Coaching.  (New Jersey, WIley, 2007)

Frisch, M. (2006) Quality of Life Therapy (New Jersey: Wiley)

Shane J. Lopez (Editor), C.R. Snyder (Editor)  Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures


Precursors to Positive Psychology

Levinson, D. Season’s of a Man’s Life (New York: Ballantine, 1986)

Maslow, A. Motivation and Personality (Longman, 1987)

Pervin, L & John, O.  Handbook of Personality. New York: Guilford.

Vaillant, G.E. Adaption to Life (Harvard University Press, 1995)

Bowlby,J. (1971) Attachment and Loss Volume 1: Attachment Penguin Books, Harmondsworth

Creativity and Creative Thinking

Sternberg, R (1999) Handbook of Creativity Cambridge, UK


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